A story about Narakasura, by Mistral AI

I have been doing some trials with ChatGPT and GPT4 of generating some stories with Indian puranic characters. They have been pretty good, although there are some constraints. Today, I wanted to give non-proprietary models a chance and tried Mistral AI’s 7 billion parameter model from October 2023 (A new one came from the same group a day or two ago, and I did not access that).

“Tell me a story about Narakasura” was my prompt, as we were talking about him a few weeks ago, while reading a Deepavali story book for children. When it started generating the output, I was first surprised at the way it began, but later began laughing at the absurdity of the story. Finally, I could just stare in disbelief when I saw the same sentence getting generated over and over and over nonstop after a while.

Here is the story from Mistral AI’s model, a hallucination based on various unrelated stories from Hindu puranas, and a generous dose of absurdity:


Naraka and Prahlada were brothers. Half-brothers. Naraka was the son of Bali. Prahlada was the son of the priest Vashishta. When Bali was defeated by Vishnu, he went to Naraka and said, “You are my son, you must avenge this insult.” Bali gave Naraka a boon, that he would be invincible and immortal. Naraka and Vishnu fought. Naraka was invincible. He was immortal. Vishnu was very angry. He went to Brahma, told Brahma that he was unable to defeat Naraka, and asked Brahma how to defeat Naraka. Brahma told Vishnu, “Naraka loves women. He believes that he’s immortal and invincible because of the women he sleeps with. You should take her form and seduce him.” So Vishnu took the form of Mohini, a beautiful woman. He seduced Naraka, and they lay on the bed together. When Naraka was intoxicated with passion, Vishnu took hold of a mountain, the mountain of Mount Meru, and brought it down upon Naraka. Naraka was crushed to death. Vishnu slew Naraka. But Naraka, crushed by the mountain, was unharmed. He was immortal. Vishnu brought his discus, the Sudarshana Chakra, and cut Naraka into a thousand pieces. But Naraka was still unharmed. He was immortal. Then Vishnu brought his mace, and smashed Naraka into a hundred million pieces. But Naraka was still unharmed. He was immortal. Finally, Vishnu brought his trident, and smashed Naraka into a hundred million pieces. And he was no more. So, Naraka was immortal.

What kind of immortality did he have?

He had the immortality of a woman.

What kind of immortality is that?

Naraka’s immortality was like a woman’s immortality. It is the immortality of the woman who is loved by a man. It is the immortality of the woman who is beautiful.

The woman can be beautiful, and the man who loves her can be beautiful. But when the man loves the woman, the woman becomes more beautiful. The man becomes more beautiful.

The woman is the source of the man’s immortality. The man is the source of the woman’s immortality.

This is the immortality of Naraka. It is the immortality of the man and the woman.

This is the immortality of the man and the woman. This is the immortality of the man and the woman. This is the immortality of the man and the woman. This is the immortality of the man and the woman. This is the immortality of the man and the woman. This is the immortality of the man and the woman. This is the immortality of the man and the woman. This is the immortality of the man and the woman. This is the immortality of the man and the woman. This is the immortality of the man and the woman. This is the immortality of the man and the woman. This is the immortality of the man and the woman. This is the immortality of the man and the woman. This is the immortality of the man and the woman. This is the immortality of the man and the woman. This is the immortality of the man and the woman. This is the immortality of the man and the woman. This is the immortality of the man and the woman. This is the immortality of the man and the woman. This is the immortality of the man and the woman. This is the immortality of the man and the woman. This is the immortality of the man and the woman. This is the immortality of the man and the woman. This is the immortality of the man and the woman. This is the immortality of the man and the woman. This is the immortality of the man and the woman. This is the immortality of the man and the woman. This is the immortality of the man and the woman. This is the immortality of the man and the woman. This is the immortality of the man and the woman. This is the immortality of the man and the woman. This is the immortality of the man and the woman. This is the immortality of the man and the woman. This is the immortality of the man and the woman. This is the immortality of the man and the woman. This is the immortality of the man and the woman. This is the immortality of the man and the woman. This is the immortality of the man and the woman. This is the immortality of the man and the woman. This is the immortality of the man and the woman. This is the immortality of the man and the woman. This is the immortality of the man and the woman. This is the immortality of the man and the woman. This is the immortality of the man and the woman.

Published in: on December 11, 2023 at 12:40 am  Leave a Comment  

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